The Wonders of

Less Really is More

Waste less

Our concentrated formulas go further, require less packaging and fewer air miles.

Buy less

Our formulas deliver higher doses of hydrating and healing botanicals that retain their nutritional content for longer.


Microbes cannot grow in a water-free environment, meaning our products retain their potency & shelf life without any nasty extras.

Checked The Ingredients List Lately?

Virtually all skin care formulas contain around 80% water. The remaining 20% is a mix of beneficial ingredients blended with synthetic ingredients.

The synthetic ingredients - predominantly preservatives and emulsifiers - must be added to keep the formula stable. They offer no skin benefits, and may disturb skin health.

The Traditional Way

20% OIL 80% WATER

The Mokosh Way

100% OIL 0% WATER

Award-Winning, Undiluted Formulas

Sesame & Frankincense Body Oil

Rich Face Cream

Raspberry & Pomegranate Beauty Serum

The 1:5 Rule

Shop Hydration
When the skin’s barrier is intact, our skin is healthy and glowing. A damaged barrier can result in dryness, irritation, redness, inflammation, acne and accelerated ageing.

The Secret to Great Skin?

A healthy barrier.

Avoid Skin Disruptors

Step 1

Embrace Skin Protectors

Step 2

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